Albert Lin is a professional explorer, blurring boundaries between human and machine, while uncovering the lost relics of our past. Despite losing his leg below the knee in 2016, Albert maintains a relentless quest into the farthest reaches of our planet—from Mongolia to the Mayan jungle—employing a technologist’s approach to unearth lost cultural stories and rituals.
His first National Geographic expedition was to Mongolia to locate the elusive tomb of the leader Genghis Khan. Today, he continues his search using cutting-edge satellite technology to locate the lost cities of the Maya and uncover timeless insights in the Arabian desert, exploring human resilience and ancient wisdom.
Admission/Cost: $33 -$53
The Baker-Baum Concert Hall
The Conrad Prebys Performing Arts Center
7600 Fay Avenue
La Jolla, CA
Thursday, January 30 - 7:30 PM