5:00 pm - Wednesday, May 15

Author Talk: Linda Moore

Warwick's, 7812 Girard Avenue, San Diego

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Linda Moore is an author, traveler, and recovering gallery owner. Her gallery featured contemporary artists from Latin American, Spain, and the United States and she has exhibited at numerous art fairs, including in Bogotá, Buenos Aires, and Madrid. Gallery owner Ally Blake risks everything to exhibit at an art fair in Bogotá in the 1990s. She needs wealthy collectors to boost her gallery's sales and save her family from bankruptcy. When her art crates are tampered with and she discovers an ex-boyfriend and colleague from her State Department days in Santiago has involved her in a money laundering scheme, she devises a strategy to thwart the fraud, protect her children, and secure her family's future—but pulling it off will require her to make the art deal of a lifetime.

Admission/Cost: FREE Please Register

7812 Girard Avenue
La Jolla, CA

Wednesday, May 15 - 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM